VINYASA KRAMA YOGA, sequences and subroutines.

This is an ongoing project, my plan being to constantly update the videos presented here with newer, more accurate and hopefully more accomplished presentations of the Sequences and subroutines in Srivatsa Ramaswami's book, as well as adding notes to the individual postures and sequences.


This blog has only just gone LIVE and may be suffering teething problems as I attempt to upload the 120 odd videos of sequences and subroutines over the next couple of weeks. Please let me know if you notice any videos that have been attached to the wrong post or anything else that is clearly unintended.
Most of the videos posted right now are early attempts at the sequences and subroutines and wont correspond exactly to the instructions in Ramaswami's book. I'll try to point those cases out in the post and eventually get around to re-filming the clips.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Vinyasa Krama On your feet / tadasana sequence speeded up x4

Vinyasa Krama On your feet / tadasana sequence speeded up x4


StEvE said...

This is an invaluable resource for anyone who takes the very worthwhile challenge of learning the Tadasana sequence.

Have you always had a natural deep squat Grimmley? I haven't; I am one of many who topple over backwards. What advice would you have for this? Many senior teachers seem to be of the opinion that it is anatomical i.e. something you just have to live with, but I find it so limiting and, therefore, frustrating.

Grimmly said...

Good drishti helps, jalahandra bandha, eyes focusing on a point a foot in fount of your toes. Mula bandha helps me too. I have trouble on the pristanjali one (hands behind the back in prayer and often have to come up sooner than I'd like or I'd fall backwards, sometimes end up taking a step back too. that said my wife is able to do it and has only had four lessons and no bandha work. She is Japanese though and tends to squat while brushing her teeth.

StEvE said...

Well there you go! My wife does it too (she's Thai) and has always squatted while doing the laundry. Maybe I should blame Western washing machines for my setback.

Great tips. Thanks!

Grimmly said...

Grilley talks about how individual anatomy might stop you from getting into certain postures. I think he might even mention the ankle on his video. I guess you just need to know if your ankle will flex enough. Try squatting all the way down while holding the back of a chair or something for balance. If you can make it all the way down without raising your heels then it more likely a balance issue. In the squats I remember Ramaswami recommending a chair for some people but also holding the arms out in frount and even leaning forward at first as you go down and come back up. Might want to try nutating the hip back and forth and seeing if one way helps more than the other. By nutating I mean tilting the hip back or forth a couple of degrees. I use it for my backbends, tilting pelvis forward as suggested by Gregor Maehle in his Intermediate ashtanga book.

StEvE said...

Thanks again. I can get a full squat if I extend my arms and hold a rolled up mat (ballast). Without that, I topple. I think it's stiffness in a key area just above my sacrum (about L4). I got hurt in a road accident many years ago, but luckily, not too seriously. It's a slow process, but I hope it'll disperse. Pasasana is getting better at last; I'm getting a 2 finger bind now.

Thanks for toe-drishti tip, that is very calming and it helps a lot.

Princesa díscola said...

Thank you so much for the videos and sequence practice sheets. Highly apreciated

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