VINYASA KRAMA YOGA, sequences and subroutines.

This is an ongoing project, my plan being to constantly update the videos presented here with newer, more accurate and hopefully more accomplished presentations of the Sequences and subroutines in Srivatsa Ramaswami's book, as well as adding notes to the individual postures and sequences.


This blog has only just gone LIVE and may be suffering teething problems as I attempt to upload the 120 odd videos of sequences and subroutines over the next couple of weeks. Please let me know if you notice any videos that have been attached to the wrong post or anything else that is clearly unintended.
Most of the videos posted right now are early attempts at the sequences and subroutines and wont correspond exactly to the instructions in Ramaswami's book. I'll try to point those cases out in the post and eventually get around to re-filming the clips.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

9. On Your Feet. P29 Pasasana (golden noose)

9. OYF. P29 Pasasana (golden noose)


StEvE said...

O.M.G. So, so simple, until you actually try it.

Thank you so much for the time & effort you're expending in putting up this 'sister blog'. It is, and will continue to be, an invaluable resource for anyone who bought the Vinyasa Yoga book.

Grimmly said...

Hi Steve, my first comment on the new blog, thank you. I'm off work sick for a couple of days and hate just sitting around, been planning this for a while. I should have about 90% of the sequences on here by Tuesday then it will be a case of tidying everything up and deciding which ones are most in need of re shooting. Plus I have to get around to filming the evil 'One legged sequence'. It will be nice to be able to refer/link to it when I mention a practice on the other blog.

StEvE said...

It's a pleasure to comment. I just have to be careful that I don't get too carried away because, I must admit, I log onto the web and, these days, go straight to your blogs to see what's current. I open it with the same enthusiasm that I used to open 'Dandy' all those years ago!

It's inspiring also, to see lots of 'Anons' coming out the ether and thanking you for inspiring them too.

I looked into doing Ramaswami's Indian retreat (India is actually just a 3 hour hop for me) but, alas, it's just a couple of weeks earlier than my year-end break from work. One for the future I hope.

I have slightly different view to applying the book to my practice right now, because I've far from finished Ashtanga intermediate. I have an "I've started, so I'll finish" feeling so I'll plod on. (Although I'm not too fussed about the advanced [demonstration] series). So, the VK ideas are embellishing my home practice enormously and also helping me focus on certain blocks.

Re. your blog, It would be nice if you had a general comments/questions option on your homepage, so that comments didn't get buried with older posts (like this one). Just a thought; it's phenomenal as is, and free of charge too!

thobox said...

this is a great idea, to put all the videos of VK in one blog. This makes it very easy to use it for practice. For example your tadasanas for 10 and 20 minutes inspired me to realy do them now every day . I hope that many yogis and lovers of Ramaswamis VK will profit from your effort. By the way there is an new book out, that gives a nice impression of what it was like to pracice under Krishanmachary himself:
Krishnamacharya by A.G. Mohan - Shambala
Greetings from Berlin

Grimmly said...

Thanks for commenting Thomas, glad you like the tadasana sequence, I can't imagine starting my practice without some form of it now.
I've just finished Mohan's book, he and ramaswami studiead with K around the same nice, interesting to read it after hearing some of Ramaswami's similar stories.
Let me know if you have any ideas for what you'd like to see on this blog, I'm thinking of adding a couple of stand alone pages on the home page

Perhaps something like you Suggest Steve, a page on common questions about the practice although 'Yoga beneath the surface' kind of does that. i want o add some sample practice sequence ideas for different levels, that kind of thing but am open to new ideas.

I think if I hadn't been to LMU this summer I would have gone on the india trip. For me it's hard to justify this year as it'll cover much of what we did last month and is expensive for 10 days. However I'd highly recommend it for anyone who hasn't studied with Ramaswami before, you'll come away with a good understanding of the sequences and a pranayama and meditation practice. I may well consider it next year as a refresher course.

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